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Hong Kong History - Culture and background country
Life forms existed more than 6,000 years ago at many sites along the winding
shoreline of Hong Kong. It was believed that during the earliest prehistoric
periods, from the close of the fourth millennium BC, Hong Kong experienced
a change in the environment, in which the sea levels rose from as much
as 100 meters below the present level.
Ancient artifacts suggest a strong dependency on the sea. According to
recent excavations, archaeologists have discovered two main Neolithic
cultures lying in stratified sequence. Pieces of coarse, cord-marked pottery
has been found together with fine, soft, fragile pottery decorated with
linear carvings, perforations and paintings. The fourth millennium BC
is associated with this phase.
In the next phase, probably in the mid-third millennium BC, a new ceramic
form decorated with a wide range of impressive geometric patterns was
found. Better workmanship and a melange of different shapes indicate a
progression in techniques. Ornaments, such as rings made from quartz and
other stones, display exquisite craftsmanship.
Bronze emerged in the middle of the second millennium BC, with weapons,
knives, arrowheads, and tools excavated from Hong Kong sites. Other evidence
from the islands of Chek Lap Kok, Lantau, and Lamma showed that metal
was worked locally. During the Bronze Age, pottery was made at high temperatures
and adorned with geometric designs.
Besides crafts and tools, ancient Chinese writings have also been found
around Hong Kong Island and on some of the smaller, mostly uninhabited
islands. These writings depict the lives of maritime people that resembled
those in China's southeastern coastal areas, proposing that they might
be of mutual origins.
At the time of the Qin (221 - 206BC) and Han (206BC - AD220) dynasties,
parties of people from the mainland came and settled in Hong Kong. They
brought with them their heritage, which made an impact on the indigenous
populations. Coins of the Han period have been discovered in Hong Kong,
and a brick tomb was uncovered at Kowloon's Lei Cheng Uk in 1955 with
a series of Han tomb furniture. Many other discoveries and excavations
reveal relations between various Chinese dynasties of the past with Hong
Kong that have already been historically recorded.
Western influence in China came about at the beginning of the 15th and
16th centuries due to the increased trade in Chinese products, such as
silk and tea through the Silk Road that stretched from northwestern China
to eastern Europe. The Europeans were interested in Hong Kong's safe harbor
located on the trade routes of the Far East, thus establishing a trade
enterprise between Western businessmen and China. The Portuguese were
the first to reach China in 1555, but the British dominated foreign trade
in the southern region of Guangzhou (Canton) during the early stages of
Western connection in China.
Ships from the British East India Company were stationed on the Indian
Coast after Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty opened trade on a limited
basis in Guangzhou. Fifteen years later, the company was allowed to build
a storage warehouse outside Guangzhou. The westerners were given limited
preferences and had to adhere to many Chinese rules and policies. Until
the trading season ended, they could only live in certain areas in Guangzhou,
and were forbidden from bringing arms, warships, or women. Chinese rulers
also banned foreigners from learning the Chinese language in fear of their
potential bad influences.
commodities, namely porcelains and landscaped-furnishings, were popular
among the European aristocrats. The British East India Company tried to
equalize its huge purchases from China by doubling its sale of opium to
the Chinese. The sale of opium saw a huge success by the beginning of
the 19th Century. Fearful of the outflow of silver, the Chinese emperor
banned the drug trade in 1799 but to no avail. Smuggling came about as
neither foreign traders nor Guangdong merchants were inclined to forego
the profitable business. Throughout the next few years, the British enjoyed
a fruition of success from opium. When they lost monopoly of the trade,
other foreign traders stepped into the illegal opium business for a share
of wealth.
In 1839, Lin Zexu was appointed by the emperor as a special commissioner
to Guangzhou to stop the drug trade. He and his troops used force to impel
the foreign factories to surrender their stocks of opium. This act was
the stepping stone to the First Opium War when the Chinese and the British
could not comply with one another's demands. As a result of the war and
the Chinese' fear of British military threats, Hong Kong was rewarded
to the British under the Convention of Chuen Pi in January 1841. On January
26, 1841, the British flag was raised at Possession Point on Hong Kong
Island, and British occupation began. A few months later, officials were
selling plots of land and the colonization of Hong Kong took flight.
Hong Kong inaugurated Sir Henry Pottinger as its first governor in August
1841. Despite British cynicism, Pottinger dedicated his time to building
up Hong Kong's future as he realized its potential. He inspired long-term
building projects and awarded land grants. In order to make peace with
the Chinese, he sent his troops to the Chang Jiang (Yangtzi River) and
threatened to attack Nanjing (Nanking). In August 1842, the Chinese yielded
and the two governments signed the Treaty of Nanjing, which officially
gave Hong Kong to the British. The Chuen Pi Convention was never signed
and therefore never legal. With that, Hong Kong carried on to progress
as a port and under British influences, it became one of the greatest
port cities the world has ever seen.
With the involvement of the British, Hong Kong prospered. Many companies
transferred from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, enabling the British colony to
begin a prime Asian entrepot. Hostilities between the British and the
Chinese of China continued to heighten, leading to the Second Opium War.
Subsequently, other foreign nationals - Russia, France, Germany, and Japan
- realized the importance of having easy access to trade with China and
began to secure ports all along the Chinese coastline. Several treaties
were signed between the different nationals. Later, British took possession
of the New Territories, which was declared a part of the overall territory
of Hong Kong.
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